Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Bulge is Coming Later this Spring

panzer-corps-2-frontlines-bulgeSlitherine has announced the upcoming release of Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Bulge, the latest DLC in the Panzer Corps 2 series. The DLC is scheduled to launch this spring.

A Strategic Onslaught

Beginning just days before the infamous December 16th, 1944, the campaign kicks off with a smaller-scale US offensive, setting the stage for the tumultuous 4-6 weeks of the Battle of the Bulge.

Dive into the Details

Panzer Corps 2: Frontlines – Bulge cleverly divides the entire operation into smaller, focused battles, each spanning just a few days and a limited area. This approach allows you to relive crucial moments with unprecedented detail.

New Challenges and New Rewards

As you face a surprise German offensive in adverse weather conditions, you’ll be outgunned and outnumbered. Earn heroes and extra units to tip the scales in your favor. Plus, tailor your experience by selecting easier or more challenging battles – it’s your call.

Key Features:

Experience the Battle of the Bulge within a more zoomed-in scale, featuring the famous Siege of Bastogne

Unique Campaign Structure divided into smaller battles for detailed, focused gameplay.

Allied airpower is restricted for a few turns due to adverse weather conditions.

Earn heroes and extra units as rewards.

Tailor the experience by selecting easier or more challenging battles.

Enjoy a balanced gaming experience with rewards and scenario selection.

Adapt difficulty to individual skill levels and preferences.

Join now the Beta

You can now apply to the beta and help us in developing the game. If you are willing to test it, find bugs, offer feedback and criticism and you love Panzer Corps, we definetely could use your help. What are you waiting for? Click here to sign up.