AMD Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Drivers Released

radeon-crimson-relive-editionSource: TechPowerUp!

AMD has just announced their 2016 major software update release (following Catalyst Omega in 2014 and Crimson Edition in 2015). It’s dubbed the “Crimson ReLive” release (numbered 12.6.1), and is purported to bring a lot of features and performance improvements across the board for AMD products, as has been historically achieved by AMD with these annual driver releases. This time, there’s just one other thing: game recording and streaming through the built-in ReLive app. It serves as a streaming app that works for both professional, developer and consumer use cases. It supports major streaming giants (such as Twitch and YouTube), includes an in-app toolbar and custom overlay, and is apparently going to feature its own tab inside AMD’s updated driver suite, with minimal reported impact on performance.

You can download the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Drivers version 12.6.1 here.