Order of Battle: Allies Resurgent Announced

order-of-battle-allies-resurgentOrder of Battle: Allies Resurgent, the second chapter of a trilogy of DLCs featuring World War II from the Allied perspective, is coming soon. The new campaign depicts battles in North Africa, the Mediterranean, and finally in Europe from late 1942 to early 1944.

At the start of the campaign, you lead US forces in Operation Torch, which marks the beginning of US involvement in the fighting in North Africa. After the first battle against Vichy-French units, the player has to prevail against veteran Axis forces in Tunisia.

Afterwards, the campaigns shift focus to the advances of the British Eighth Army into southern Tunisia. Following a successful breakthrough at the Mareth Line, the British push north: they aim to form a continuous front with Allied forces which participated in Operation Torch, and advance into Tunisia from the west.

In spring 1943 you take command of both the US and British forces in a combined offensive to retake Tunis, and to end the Axis presence in North Africa for good.

The last stage of Allies Resurgent shows the return of Allied ground forces to Europe, beginning with the amphibious invasion of Sicily. Finally, the player has to invade mainland Italy at Salerno, defeat German defences at the Volturno Line, and ultimately needs to take back Rome.

Allies Resurgent also adds 12 new scenarios, a number of new units for both Allied and Axis countries, two new specializations, and five new Allied commanders. Check out the product page for the full list.

Order of Battle: Allies Resurgent is looking for beta testers. Apply HERE.