Mozilla Delays Launch of Firefox 4 RC Until 2011
Posted by Donster on: 2010-10-28 15:42:56 287
By Paul Lilly @ MaximumPC

You'll have to wait until next year before getting a chance to play with Firefox 4 in Release Candidate (RC) form. An updated release schedule shows the RC version being pushed back until early 2011.

"Development on Firefox 4 has not slowed down, and strong progress is being made daily. However, based on the delays in completing the 'feature complete' Beta 7 milestone against which our add-on developers and third-party software developers can develop, as well as considering the amount of work remaining to prepare Firefox 4 for final release, we have revised our beta and release candidate schedule," Mike Beltzner, VP of engineering for Firefox, wrote in an mailing list message earlier this week.


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