Fighter Duel: Flying the Focke-Wulf 190 - Page 1/1

Created on 2005-01-20

Title: Fighter Duel: Flying the Focke-Wulf 190
By: Author Unknown
Date: Unknown 960
Flashback: Orig. Multipage Version
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The Focke-Wulf is probably my favorite aircraft in Fighter Duel. It has the most lethal guns in the game, has excellent speed, and can turn very well when you need it to.

* Excellent guns
* Great speed and acceleration
* Nitrous boost gives a 25% increase in horsepower
* Excellent roll performance
* Good dive performance

* Mediocre climb rate
* Loses energy in flat turns
* High stall speed and quick departure from flight
* Poor sustained turn performance
* When cannon ammo runs out, lethality decreases dramatically

The key to flying the Focke-Wulf is to keep your speed up. Try to keep it around 300mph. Don't be sucked into a slow speed turnfight with more agile planes. Make your pass through and extend away to at least a mile (red dots) before reversing. In the Focke-Wulf, a head-on pass is to your advantage, so by all means exploit it. Try not to fire until you are well within range to conserve ammo and assure hits. Let the enemy fire first; his tracers will give you a good aim point, and you won't lose him in your own tracers. It's not unusual to smoke a plane on the head-on, or even score a kill.

If you must enter a turn fight, do so cautiously, and make sure you have some altitude for escape (minimum 2000 ft.). Drop in the turnfight at high speed, drop your flaps, and turn at maximum rate. Using this technique, you can stay with Spitfires for almost a full turn. Once your speed drops, retract flaps, unload the plane (push negative Gs in a dive), hit the nitrous oxide boost, and accelerate away. Do not stay in a turn too long or your speed and energy will drop so low that escape will be difficult. A different tact might be to keep all your turns in the vertical plane as the FW-190 performs very well in the vertical.

When turning horizontally, try to keep your nose low to avoid losing speed. As long as you are not followed too closely, the Immelman (half loop up and roll level) is also an excellent way to reverse in the FW-190 as it trades speed for altitiude. High yoyos will also work provided you have the separation.

If you're on the defense, a split-S (half-roll followed by a dive) will usually get you away from the Zeros and Spitfires. However the U.S planes have very good dive characteristics and will probably keep up with you. The Mustang in particular is very dangerous because it has a higher max dive and higher critical mach than the FW-190. You might try a tight spiraling dive or a series of barrel-rolls in a dive to shake an enemy.

If you are being chased down low, use your superior roll to spoil your enemy's aim. Most planes can't outroll the FW-190 at high speeds, especially the low wing-loaded aircraft. A series of barrel rolls will usually buy you enough time to escape provided you have a speed advantage. A gentle turn at high speeds is sometimes all that's needed shake an enemy. If your enemy's tracers are falling on your left, then a slight turn to the right will keep him from pulling lead. Remember, don't pull hard turns or be tempted to reverse too early. Speed is your friend!

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