F-16 Aggressor Preview - Page 1/1

Created on 2005-01-16

Title: F-16 Aggressor Preview
By: Author Unknown
Date: 1998-05-10 782
Flashback: Orig. Multipage Version
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I'm always pleasantly surprised when something that sounded quite ordinary turns out to have more substance. F16 Aggressor may be one of those pleasant surprises!

F16 Aggressor

I had a chance to interact with a tester a few days back, and he told me that this is actually a serious F16 simulation. In fact, the flight model is significantly better than DIs Fighting Falcon, according to my source. As for the visuals, you can judge for yourself!

F16 Aggressor
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F16 Aggressor

F16 Aggressor

F16 Aggressor

Here is the press release:

People say you can't have your cake and eat it, and this is something that has been the case with flight simulations in the past. The more you ramped up the graphics the slower the game would run. But now that saying can be well and truly laid to rest as F-16 Aggressor is here and high end graphics and speed are yours to play with on machines that don't require the power of a Cray to power them.

F-16 Aggressor is the closest anybody outside the military will get to experiencing flight in the cockpit of the F-16 Falcon. This highly accurate simulation lets you fly in 40 missions spread across 4 campaigns in Africa on your PC. With a unique AI system that supports a large variety of missions types and content, you can take out planes, helicopters, trains, boats, roads and buildings with the awesome firepower at your disposal.

· Flight modelling so accurate that certain military-only secret features had to be removed. The ground modelling is just as accurate. No-one in the entertainment business has got anywhere near close.

· The F-16 Falcon fly-by-wire system is modelled. No other flight-simulation in the entertainment business has done this.

· The finest graphic representation of the F-16 Falcon yet seen on the PC. You can actually see the pilot move. See parts on the outside of the plane move!

· 40 exciting missions across 4 campaigns with extraordinary variety. Fly with wing-men, escort ships, protect troops, go for the hidden objectives! · Uniquely detailed AI that controls tanks, helicopters, boats, trains, planes and cars to demonstrate the most realistic world yet seen in an entertainment flight simulation.

· Support for a vast array of graphics cards, resolutions and bit-depths. Do you have a P90? F-16 Aggressor will run on it. Do you have a PII 266 with all the trimmings? We'll give you 1280x1024 in glorious 32 bit colour.

· Blow up buildings, roads, planes, boats, helicopters, tanks, trains, animals and people with your huge arsenal of weaponry! Go on! Do it!

· Beautifully accurate African landscape that includes highly detailed terrain from Madagascar, The Rift Valley, Morocco and Ethiopia. You'll actually believe you're there! Then you'll blow it all up anyway!

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