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Hidden and Dangerous Interview
by Dan Dimetrescu of

Q: There's very little information available on the AI of the enemy soldiers ... Can you share some info ?

A: The AI is the best ever seen in any computer game. It's advantage is that the enemies not only see you, but also hear!! Described a little bit in one above answer. There is a funny example - you can use a camera to make snapshots (in the game directory they appear as real bitmaps and you can easily use them) - we tried to make a snapshot of 2 guardians (from the back), but they heard the camera trigger and turned. This was the last shot the poor soldier did :))

Q: How do the enemies react when the player has been spotted ? Will they send patrols after him, and do they share information between teams ?

A: Again, depends on the abilities each character has. Sometimes they cooperate, sometimes not. Sometimes it is random.

Q: Do they have any morale issues, like being afraid to fight if outnumbered and therefore surrendering ?

A: No, they all are very brave :)

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Q: Tell us about the multiplayer options in the game. What modes of play will be included ? Cooperative/Team vs Team maybe ?

A: Two modes - cooperative - each man (up to four) controls one soldier and cooperativelly you try to complete missions objectives, the other one is just for fun - multiplayer (deathmatch). The game is not a shooter, but why not to sit in a tank and roll over your best friend firing at you from a weak machine gun :)

A: Thanks Petr!

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 Last Updated April 13th, 1999

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