DCS A-10C Warthog and Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog review
Posted by Admin on: 2010-12-03 19:53:37 in category: Article News [ Print ]

It's not very often that we get to say we're reviewing a new air combat jet simulation, and it's even rarer when we get to review a new HOTAS joystick combo, so imagine our glee when we were given the opportunity to not only review DCS's A-10C Warthog jet simulation, but also Thrustmaster's new and jaw-droppingly gorgeous HOTAS Warthog ... at the same time ... well, it really doesn't get any better than this.
Join our own Aaron "Spectre" Watson, a former weapon loader on the real A-10 back in the day, as he reviews this dynamic duo, this match made in heaven, of DCS's A-10C Warthog jet simulation and Thrustmaster's HOTAS Warthog.
Read on: DCS A-10C Warthog and Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog review
Bioshock Review and Walk-Through
Posted by Admin on: 2007-11-25 16:29:44 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Bioshock is a first-person adventure game and is the successor to the classic System Shock series. Bioshock aims to creep you out with hideous blood-thirsty gene-modified mutants while entertaining you with fantastic graphics and surreal underwater environments.
In this massive article series, you get two treats in one: you get an exhaustive review of all the game's features, and you also get a beautifully written walk-through in first-person diary form. This approach is quite novel in both the bookish and newness senses. Even if you never intend to play Bioshock, you can read this walk-through like a standalone adventure novel.
So sit back, get a cuppa, and prepare to be informed and entertained by COMBATSIM.COM's newest contributor, Phillip "Badger" Marriott.
- Part 1: Welcome to Rapture
- Part 2A: Medical Pavilion
- Part 2B: Medical Pavilion
- Part 3A: Neptune's Bounty
- Part 3B: Neptune's Bounty
- Part 4: Smuggler's Hideout
Rocket Attack!
Posted by Admin on: 2007-02-21 14:58:57 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Should we thank Hitler for getting Neil Armstrong on the moon? Did Hitler have a rocket-propelled nuclear bomb? Did the Nazis actually get into space before both the Russians and the Americans?
Join our own Jim "Twitch" Tittle as he delves into the fascinating facts and myths of Germany's WWII rocket program.
Read More: Rocket Attack!News Source: COMBATSIM.COM
The Planes of IL-2 1946
Posted by Admin on: 2007-01-22 17:23:46 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Great concept the 1946 thing. I've always enjoyed the "what if" idea that pitted planes which never met in combat against each other. LucasArts' Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe did it first and so did Aces Over the Pacific later. Now Ubisoft and Oleg Mattox brings another gaggle of planes to the gaming table for our enjoyment.
Read More: The Planes of IL-2 1946
Posted by Donster on: 2007-01-09 15:52:28 in category: Article News [ Print ]
By Jim "Twitch" Tittle
Combatsim.com's resident historian, Jim "Twitch" Tittle, reveals our modern-day misconceptions about what did and did not shift the odds in favour of one fighter pilot over another back in the day. Do you think it was top speed? How about turning ability? Climb rate? 20mm cannons or .50 cals? Once and for allwe hopeTwitch injects some reality into this eternal debate based on what he's learned from the pilots who actually fought those life and death duels over the battlefields of the past.
Read Article: HERE
News Source: Email
Precision Manuals' 747-400 Queen of the Skies
Posted by Admin on: 2006-05-16 15:49:17 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Precision Manuals has long been held in high regard for their attention to detail, technical ability, and dedication to the community. And now that they have created a Boeing 747-400 add-on for FS2004 complete with a hinged nose-cone freighter version, we here at COMBATSIM.COM were eager to test it out.
Join our own Anthony "Shepherd" Underwood and William Fowler as they give us their impressions of the scratch-built flight model, nighttime panel lighting, the new failures module, sound set, and numerous other innovations.
Read more: Precision Manuals' 747-400 "Queen of the Skies"
Jim Cobb's Angry!!!
Posted by Bismarck on: 2005-11-13 13:44:43 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Tired of Dumb AI? Want to play a game without finding an opponent? Noticing the developers are getting lazy.
Well, Jim Cobb has noticed all the above and he's mad as hell and won't take it anymore! In his latest essay, he outlines what players should and should not expect from AIs. He also outlines some concepts developers could use to improve the present conditions.
Read more: Jim Cobb's Angry!!!
Simulators make fighter pilots of civilians
Posted by Donster on: 2005-09-15 16:03:45 in category: Article News [ Print ]

By Tim Gnatek, The New York Times (Courtesy of CNET News)
Did you get your kicks off watching movies like Top Gun and Iron Eagle (80's kids represent!) while growing up? I know that I did and for those of us with no chance of flying the real deal, flight simulators are bringing the dream of flying supersonic to ultra realistic levels to the public:
"With cockpit controls built from actual F-15 molds, commercial software modified to render the flight characteristics of dozens of warplanes and a control tower that can manage data and communications, public simulators like Flightline are a rarity. Once reserved for those who had taken an armed services oath, such centers bring the sensations of military flight to the public."
News Source: Email
Salerno '43
Posted by Bismarck on: 2005-08-28 09:47:42 in category: Article News [ Print ]
Tired of games that are all sizzle and no steak? Try a game from the HPS line.
John Tiller's team remains the acme of serious World War II turn-based games. New writer Jim Cunningham gives an in-depth, no-holds barred review of [i]Salerno '43[/i], the latest entry in the Panzer Campaign series.
This game is a must-have for serious World War II gamers. No other series has looked at the Sicilian campaign in this depth and scale.
Like almost-suicidal parachute action? Tiller and HPS throw in some Crete scenarios. Now, there's some real nail-biters.
Check out this review NOW!
News Source: In-House
The Last Road Race: Book Review
Posted by Banger on: 2005-07-31 01:09:05 in category: Article News [ Print ]
There aren’t that many good books about motor racing, particularly those that treat the topic as serious history. Richard Williams’ The Last Road Race, profiling the 1957 Pescara Grand Prix, promised to be different.
According to the dust jacket’s breathless blurb, the race “marked the end of this era in motor racing … over public roads on the Adriatic coast in a three-hour race of frightening speed and constant danger.” I was expecting great things.
Alas, I was disappointed. In the end, this is a dry, rather bloodless account of an activity inherently charged with drama and risk.
Read the review
News Source: In-House
War of the Worlds: The Mini Review.
Posted by Badger on: 2005-07-08 05:50:55 in category: Article News [ Print ]
Every now and again, Badger gets out! Slipping past security guards (now sacked) he was able to leave the complex and sneak into town.
He was recaptured in the early hours of this morning and is now safe in his “room” once again. It seems however that he visited the cinema while at liberty and saw Spielbergs latest, “The War of the Worlds.” Now of course he wants to tell you about it, so reluctantly we have supplied crayons.
News Source: In-House
The Hunters: Book Review
Posted by Banger on: 2005-07-04 16:17:56 in category: Article News [ Print ]
Once in a great while, a talented writer survives combat to produce a work of literature. Rarest of all is a literary novel written by a blooded fighter pilot.
In the English language, perhaps two works qualify. One is Winged Victory by Victor Yeates. The other is The Hunters by James Salter.
You might have seen the 1958 film based on The Hunters, starring Robert Mitchum and Robert Wagner. It’s a good movie, but it has nothing to do with Salter’s story. This is a novel well worth reading.
Read the review
News Source: In-House
Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry: DVD Review
Posted by Banger on: 2005-07-01 13:40:07 in category: Article News [ Print ]
Time to turn in your learner's permit. Grand Theft Auto, Need for Speed -- that's kid stuff. When you're talking car chases, Crazy Mary, Dirty Larry is the real thing.
The last computer game that even approached the 1970s car-chase genre was Interstate 76. The current fast-and-furious crop of driving games just doesn’t measure up. Grand Theft Auto and its ilk completely miss the point with their hip-hop, gangsta dystopia. Car-chase movies are about rebellion, not crime.
Now this classic 1974 cult film has been reissued in a special collector's edition. Get ready to boogie, man.
Read the review
News Source: In-House
Thoughts on AI in Strategic Games
Posted by Bismarck on: 2005-06-30 15:10:21 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Our Jim "Bismarck" Cobb has shares his thoughts on why AI in strategic games may never be as authentic as players may wish.
The Badger, The Trigger & The Dirt Nap.
Posted by Badger on: 2005-06-29 05:07:31 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Does your online physique fall short of the ripples and six pack you really aspire to? Do you bulge in all the wrong places? Tired of getting virtual sand kicked in your face every time you log on? Then why not try “FRAGAGRA” the new super pill guaranteed to put lead in your Colt 45! (Caution: May contain nuts)
Alternatively discover that you are not alone in your plight, by journeying with the Badger as he becomes an endangered species when the online community use him or target practice.
Just Flight: Spitfire Add-on Review
Posted by Admin on: 2005-05-09 00:14:11 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Few WWII fighter planes evoke such deep admiration as does the Supermarine Spitfire. Beautiful in both form and function, the legendary Spitfire was loved by its pilots and feared by its enemies. Sixty years after its heyday, it continues to win over the hearts and minds of air combat fans. Join our newest contributor, Brian G. 'Baltar' Sims as he reviews Just Flight's Spitfire add-on for Microsoft's Flight Simulator and Combat Flight Simulator.
Link: Just Flight: Spitfire Add-on Review
Adventures in Computer Building: AMD Athlon 3500+
Posted by Admin on: 2005-05-01 23:42:03 in category: Article News [ Print ]

You say you like building your own computer systems, eh? Maybe you're just thinking about building one? Marvey! You'll enjoy this system build article by our newest contributor, Michael 'Stans' Stansfield, as he puts together an AMD 3500+ with 2 GB of RAM and a 500 Watt power supply. What's nice about Mike's approach is that he describes what went right and what went, er...not so right. Reality computer building at its best!
Read more: Adventures in Computer Building: AMD Athlon 3500+
Targetware: Open Beta Review
Posted by Admin on: 2005-04-12 19:46:04 in category: Article News [ Print ]

Targetware's line of massively multiplayer online air combat sims has been in open beta for a loooong time. We were waiting for it to finally go commercial to review it, but since we wanted to get this sim covered before North Korea goes democratic, we thought we better do it now.
Read more: Targetware Open Beta Review