Take your Army through Italy with Piercing Fortress Europa!
Posted by Donster on: 2013-04-25 14:32:10 258
Matrix Games is proud to announce the upcoming release of the latest work of veteran game designer Frank Hunter, Piercing Fortress Europa.

This new engaging strategy wargame covers the Allied invasion of Sicily and campaigns for the Italian peninsula from 1943 through 1945. The title relates to Hitler’s “Festung Europa” which referred to the plan to fortify the whole of occupied Europe in order to prevent invasion from the British Isles by the Allied forces.

The player will have the chance to relive all the steps of the Italian Campaign, with historical orders of battle and freedom of action limited only by realistic logistics. All the units from Axis and Allies are represented (Britain, America, Canada, Poland, New Zealand, India, Brazil, Germany, Italy,etc.) and the player can choose to challenge the AI or a human opponent via PBEM.

Wit, speed and a long view will be required skills to execute a successful plan with your brigades and divisions and secure victory in the campaign and the “what if “ scenarios featured in Piercing Fortress Europa.

Get more information on Piercing Fortress Europa from its official product page.

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