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Quest for the Grail Part 2

by Dan "Crash" Crenshaw

First, let me state that "HAWKEYE VIEW" is NOT a Padlock view. You can argue with me and anyone else in the poll on this one and you will never make any headway. A Padlock view must turn your head in the direction of the bandit, not point an arrow or give you a little pop up window with an aircraft in it. The key to a good Padlock view is to give you enough information to allow you to tell the direction of the bandit from the nose of your aircraft and the attitude of your aircraft at the same time. The limitations of a computer monitor are never so obvious and deadly as in Padlock.

Since we do not have physical sensations or G forces, or even the quick check look around ability (although a well thought out FLCS/TQS or CH program can compensate for at least the last one), we must be fed data to over come that handicap. Again, 2 sims were the major contenders for this one and SU-27 was nearly unanimous in the polls. Some of the finer points of the SU-27 padlock are:

  • no "Linda Blair" 360 degree views, views must be limited not only to the physical limitations of the aircraft but of the human body as well;
  • an excellent informational "floating HUD" to help orient you with the world and aircraft … not always totally effective, but a great tool;
  • the requirement of being in "visual range" before allowing a Padlock view initiation, not totally perfect, but well modeled.

The one prominent gripe about the EF Padlock was the ability to see "through the cockpit" as when the aircraft are below you. Su-27 will try to "guess" where the bandit will reappear, as would a human, and if it takes too long, you lose the Padlock and must re-aquire.

I can not stress enough the importance of a Padlock that provides accurate and easily discernible Situational Awareness data. It only takes a few seconds in Padlock to get so completely disoriented as to cause a collision with another aircraft or the ground. Some will say that a "HAWKEYE VIEW" solves most of these issues … to a point and at the expense of realism and accuracy. Most of the pilots’ involved were about as adamant about this as they were about "POP UP WINDOWS" vs. "REAL COCKPIT". Real Cockpits and Padlock View win out. Winner by a landslide is …

Closest sim in this category? SU-27 Flanker

Here is an area where the flight sim world is about to be turned on it's ear. I have not seen SU-27 2.0's padlock view, but expect greatness. I HAVE seen FALCON 4's ... and it has come so close to the "Holy Grail" that the testers are drooling.  FALCON 4 has 2 padlock views at this point. The first is very similar to the old FALCON 3 - 3 window set up that is also in the demo. The small black box on the bottom left is filled with HSI ball and altimeter.

Padlock with SA
F4 padlock enhanced mode.

Padlock Classic
F4 Falcon3 classic mode.

There is also a full screen view that does not give you much data, (though the engine sounds and other input tell you most of what you need to know), but you also have incredible canopy reflections that allow you to know easily the location of the nose of your aircraft.

Virtual Cockpit
F4 Canopy Reflections.

There will always need to be some concessions here due to the lack of Situational Awareness you get while staring at a computer screen, but we are approaching Nirvana. SU-27 was the first simulation that required you to actually LOOK at the bandit before you padlocked it.  Expect this trend to continue.

MISSION EDITING (Solo and Campaign):

The ability to create your own mission is also very high on the list. Experience with "CANNED" missions and dealing with EF’s WARGEN before TACTCOM (you can tell a computer came up with those Waypoints, "Lets fly over EVERY enemy SAM site between us and the target, shall we?") has taught us as well as the software companies that humans must have input when it comes to their own fate, Virtual or Real.

Click to continue . . .


Mission Editor
Flanker 2 Mission Editor. Click for larger.

There are two very different approaches to this currently, and both are very well done. My personal favorite would be the EF/TACTCOM campaign mission generator, primarily because I am a big fan of Dynamic Campaigns. The ability to plan what type of mission, where to strike, what to take as armament, what ingress and egress route to take, what mix of aircraft to support the mission -- all of these abilities are critical.

The winner of this category was SU-27, but barely. While there is no Dynamic Campaign to build missions for, you can make an entire scenario, good, bad and ugly. During testing of 1.5, we had a huge 24 hour mission built up that included input from 6 people. Static ground forces, air strikes, CAPS, GAI, SAMS, all could be manipulated. The biggest draw back here is that it is static, once it is gone, it’s done. You can not advance and take over bases or cut off supply lines (they don’t exist). FALCON 3.0 was also a contender here, even the venerable GRAND DADDY of flight sims still holds some gifts for us!

Nearly everyone stated that this needs to be in addition to "CANNED" missions. QUICK COMBAT and "CANNED" missions are necessary for those without the inclination to build their own, or for anyone that needs to kill something quick after a bad day at the office.

Closest sim in this category? SU-27 Flanker

JANES F-15 did this very well, F-22 TAW has a great builder, SU-27 2.0 is slated for a builder we can expect to be exceptional, and FALCON 4 is coming out with an editor that will even take over with intelligent AI once the place units start to move.  No more ground troops walking past each other because they waypoint command did tell them to attack.  And to add to this, a weaker force may make the decision to run instead of fight ... but the stronger force may decide to chase them.  New builders are close to approaching the ability to create their own campaigns.


This one is a given. Why are graphics so important? Realistic terrain, clouds etc are a passport into virtual reality and suspension of disbelief. One must have the feeling of actually being there.

Equally important, realistic graphics help with situational awareness. For example, in Longbow Flash Point Korea one gets a strong sensation of speed while skimming over terra firma. Glance out the window on the side and you KNOW if you are visible and a good target from that quarter. Duck down when some lucky SAM has a lock on you and glance in the lock direction and know instantly that you are radar masked.

3D graphics are making this a reality for all of the newest sims as well as some of the recent releases in the form of patches. The winner here was chosen even before the release of GRAPHICS +. 3D will only make it better. If you don’t believe it, go look at the screen shots of DiD’s F22: ADF, Spectrum Holobytes FALCON 4, or SSI’s SU-27 Version 2.0.

Closest sim in this category? EF2000/TACTOM (SUPER EF), G+

This needs no comment.   Longbow 2, F-15, F-22 ADF/TAW, SU-27 2.0 screen shots, FALCON 4 screen shots - the many WW2 sims due out soon ... they all prove the days of polygons are gone forever. The latest round of graphic enhancements have allowed the environment to bring a whole new level to immersion.

Splash One!
Janes F15.


The ranking of command structure in the Top Ten list surprised many of us. Many LAN players answer the question, "How do I tell my wingman to do so and so…" with the standard answer, "I tell him to and he does it." But the non-LAN players make a solid case for the need for this kind of control.

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