Review: Thermaltake SpinQ VT CPU Cooler
Posted by Donster on: 2010-01-21 16:40:34 491
Author: Mark Taliaferro @ Bjorn3D

Thermaltake has been in the CPU cooler game since just about as long as CPU coolers began to aftermarket. They tend to have a lot of non-standard coolers that feature as much style and flair as they do performance. The Thermaltake SpinQ VT is the successor to the popular "Thermaltake SpinQ" we reviewed a while back.

The SpinQ VT rotated the CPU from a horizontal aspect to a Vertical aspect. While the original "SpinQ" didn't provide stellar performance it did provide stellar bling. A very large portion of end users aren't in the overclocking community and the "SpinQ" fit their bill very well, it did well for a baby overclock but it wasn't really an enthusiast cooler per say.

Sometimes all you need to do to a cooler is reorient the heat pipes for a more efficient coolant liquid/aerosol cycle and it can make a huge difference. Just for fun we tossed the SpinQ VT on our LGA 1366 i7 965 and took it for a drive. Given the more style than performance linage of the SpinQ VT's older brother we were a little surprised.

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