Jutland Ship Pack 1 Released
Posted by Donster on: 2009-08-05 19:12:56 481
Ship Pack 1 featuring a number of US Warships from 1916 and 1917 has been released, along with four interesting campaigns of alternative history.

Storm Eagle Studios has announced the release of its expansion for Jutland, Ship Pack 1. Ship Pack 1 includes eight new dreadnaught ship classes from US Atlantic Fleet for 1916 - 1917. This expands the total number of warships available in Jutland to almost 1000. New battleship classes include the New York, Wyoming, Florida, and Delaware. New destroyer classes include the Obrien, Cassin, Monaghan, and Paulding. New scenarios for the US have been created along with two new hypothetical 1916 campaigns featuring the "what if" case of the US entering the war in 1916.

In addition to the two hypothetical campaigns of early entry of the US into the war, there are also two hypothetical campaigns with the US entering as German allies in 1916!

Ship Pack 1 is a digital download only release and retails for $29.95. More information can be found at the Official Website.

News Source: Email

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