Coollaboratory Liquid MetalPad Thermal Interface Material Review
Posted by Donster on: 2007-02-14 15:55:41 1041
By Brett Rosene @ PCApex

This is my second go-round with a Coollaboratory product. I first became aware of them back in September 2005 when a forum member saw an eBay sale for their Liquid Metal thermal interface material (TIM). They were a brand new company and were happy to provide a sample to me for testing and you can see that review here. It was quite innovative and performed well; but because I was sure the mixture contained gallium I couldn't recommend it because of the potential damage to aluminum components. Besides the danger to aluminum, the only other negative point I had was that application of the Liquid Metal was messy and difficult. Well, the smart guys at Coollaboratory came up with a solution for the application problem, Liquid Metal Pads.

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