Review: Silenx Extreme Effizio Silent CPU Cooler
Posted by Donster on: 2010-07-29 15:57:01 236
Article By: Joe Anderson @ TweakNews

PC enthusiasts turn to aftermarket CPU coolers for any of a number of reasons. They will likely all demand improved cooling performance, but a few will just want something quieter. Many will want both improved performance and lower decibels. This isn't all that hard to do at stock speeds but when overclocking demands more voltage, a louder fan is often tolerated for the sake of improved cooling. Silenx's Extreme Silent series coolers promise great cooling performance with a barely audible (<18 dBA) sonic footprint. We've got one of their Effizio coolers (model EFZ-120HA4) here in the lab that Silenx claims is “designed for gamers and overclockers.” Let's see if this cooler can live up to these ambitious claims.

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