Microsoft Offers Free-for-All with Unlimited Windows 7 Downloads
Posted by Donster on: 2009-01-12 15:28:12 522
Why have just one install of Windows 7, when you can have, say, a dozen for free?

By Jason Mick @ DailyTech

Microsoft's Windows 7 beta has been on torrents since a couple weeks ago, but last week at the Consumer Electronics Show 2009 in Las Vegas, the Windows 7 beta went official and was released to the general public. Initially, there were 2.5 million copies available for download. The public went wild with enthusiasm, racing to download copies, placing so much strain on Microsoft's servers that they crashed.

Rather than responding by further limiting downloads, Microsoft decided the wild demand is a good thing and it has moved in the opposite direction, dropping the download limit entirely. Says Microsoft Windows communications manager Brandon LeBlanc, "Due to an enormous surge in demand, the download experience was not ideal so we listened and took the necessary steps to ensure a good experience. During that time you will have access to the beta even if the download number exceeds 2.5 million."


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