Enemy Engaged 2 is Now Available for Pre-order in the USA!
Posted on: 2007-06-20 16:59:34

Pre-Order Your Copy For a Chance to Win a X52 Flight Control Joystick or Pro Flight Rudder Pedals System!

Software publisher Strategy First Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Silverstar Holdings, Ltd. and developer Gameyus Interactive, are pleased to announce that Enemy Engaged 2 is now available for pre-order on the Strategy First website.

Strategy First is hosting a special pre-order give away! All those who pre-order Enemy Engaged 2 will be entered in a draw to win a free X52 Flight Control Joystick or Pro Flight Rudder Pedals System. Drawing will be held on July 17th, 2007.

To pre-order your copy of Enemy Engaged 2 visit the Strategy First Online Store. Enemy Engaged 2 is due to be in stores across North America July 17th, 2007.

Printed from COMBATSIM.COM (http://www.combatsim.com/story.php?id=6007)