Jagged Alliance: Flashback Alpha Begins; Early Access Nears
Posted on: 2014-04-04 16:01:33

Source: Blue's News

Full Control announces that Jagged Alliance: Flashback is now in closed alpha testing, and their Kickstarter backers are entitled to participate, adding that Early Access to the game should be offered by the end of this quarter. Those interested in getting in on the alpha should head to the game's website where there's still the opportunity to become a backer.

"We are happy to announce that Jagged Alliance: Flashback is finally in Alpha, with Steam Early Access close on its heels," said Thomas Lund, CEO of Full Control. "Fans of the franchise will be excited about the return of the beloved turn-based action of the original game, and we can't wait to get feedback from our Kickstarter backers and the rest of the community when Early Access on Steam begins. So go ahead, talk to us! We want to make this game as great possible for the fans of the franchise, which is also why we have chosen to focus heavily on the modability of the game."

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