World of Warplanes Update 1.1 Launched
Posted on: 2013-12-26 14:55:34

Wargaming has announced the release of Update 1.1 for its recently launched flight combat MMO action game, World of Warplanes. The update introduces a substantial amount of new content, including 14 aircraft, two battle arenas, and new epic and tiered achievements.

“This update is focused on making the player experience more enjoyable by addressing a number of technical and gameplay balance issues,” said Vlad Belozerov, Director of Global Operations for World of Warplanes. “We’re also excited to give players the chance to try out a new line of German fighters.”

The German tech tree is bolstered with the second line of fighters, featuring nine Focke-Wulf warplanes, known for their overall balance, combat performance, and maneuverability. The latest update also enriches the game with five new premium aircraft, all Tier 5, including the Russian Curtiss P-40 M-105, the UK Miles M. 20, the US Grumman XF4U-1, and the German Messerschmitt Me 209V.

Other significant additions include two new battle arenas—Adriatic and Castle, a broad list of new achievements and customization items, as well as major improvements for mouse and joystick controls, balance tweaks, and general bug fixes.

To celebrate the first content update for World of Warplanes since launch, Wargaming is awarding all players that log into the game between December 23, 2013 and January 16, 2013, with a free in-game premium plane, the Curtis Model 68C Hawk III. This item is available exclusively to this event.

For more information about this giveaway and other events around Update 1.1, visit the official World of Warplanes website.

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