San Francisco & New York to Become Two Newest Cities in Motion
Posted on: 2012-01-06 15:56:38

Iconic American Metropolises Coming to Transport Sim in Expansion Pack

Paradox Interactive and Colossal Order are taking its innovative transportation-sim game, Cities in Motion, on a coast-to-coast tour of the United States. In Cities in Motion: U.S. Cities, an expansion pack coming out the 17th of January, two iconic American locations will join the mix, allowing players to challenge their civic planning skills in both San Francisco and New York.

Both cities will be available to play in campaign and sandbox mode, and will include new vehicles, new transportation types, and plenty of new American buildings, landmarks, and commuters.

View the Cites in Motion: U.S. Cities Announcement Trailer here HERE. (Hosted by YouTube - 01:00)

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