(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/sdoe_tutorial2)

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SDOE Mission Making Tutorial - Part 2
By Scott Verge

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Advanced Techniques
There is a lot of stuff we can do to our mission to add depth and make it more enjoyable for everyone. These additions are not advanced in a sense that they are hard to do; rather, they are the type of techniques that only dedicated mission builders would bother to learn (and you already have that distinction because you've read this far). First, we'll take a closer look at how we can apply advanced techniques to some familiar ground, then we'll get into some truly advanced techniques.
Runway Headings

One of the first advanced techniques we'll use is putting a specific squadron on a specific runway. This accomplishes two things: First, it lets us put more then one squad at an airfield; Second, and just as important, it lets you pick the correct runway for the heavily laden bombers since they sometimes have a hard time making it off a runway with a hill at the end or a fence. I have included maps for you to use and marked on them the runway headings to use.

This should come in handy for all you mission designers

So how do you use these headings? Well it's really simple, all you do is pick the field you want to start at in the waypoints popup. While it's open type in the heading off the map you want to take-off from in the Start Conditions field. It’s that simple and you just added a lot of depth to your mission; some fields have problems with this method though and will refuse to work. You’re not doing anything wrong, the game IS flawed so pick a different runway or airfield from which to start if you run into this quirky problem.

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(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/sdoe_tutorial2)