NavyField Europe, New Server Launching and Joining in the GNGWC
Posted on: 2008-07-07 16:32:59

NAVY FIELD is a Massively Multi Player Online Tactics game developed by SD Enternet. This type of game has never been developed before and provides players with a totally new gaming experience. NAVY FIELD is based on naval combat during WWII, the team has graphically engineered warships, weapons, fighters, and bombers that actually existed in that era allowing players to see how the actual naval guns, torpedo launchers, Fire Control Systems, and engines looked were used and operated.

NavyField Europe announced today they will add a 2nd server at the end of July. The 2nd server will be an English server and many events will be started on server launch day.

They also announced they are joining the GNGWC (Game&Game World Championship) and they will start a European local league in the middle of July. NavyField Europe fleets will join in the local league finals and 2 teams will join in the final in Korea in November with one representative of each team on location for the prize of 10,000 $ and many other presents. European local finals will be held at Games Convention in Leipzig on 21st of August.

For more information, the official NavyField Europe Website.

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