Incoming! winSPMBT Version 5.0 Upgrade Strikes On Target!
Posted on: 2010-03-31 16:49:43

Newest Upgrade Patch Available For Immediate Download!

Fans of modern combined arms tactical combat will be pleased to learn that their turn-based game of choice, Camo Workshop's winSPMBT (Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank), has just been refitted to version 5.0. This exciting upgrade is packed with new content, gameplay enhancements, and the destruction of bugs.

The version 5.0 upgrade is applicable to both the free downloadable version and the Enhanced Edition (which can be purchased either as a physical product shipped to you or as an immediate download through the all new official Shrapnel Games e-store, the Gamers Front) of winSPMBT. It is important to note that if you have missed out on any of the previous upgrade patches you must download and apply the patches in numerical order. These are not comprehensive patches. Additionally, if you are currently playing in a secure PBEM game DO NOT upgrade until after the game is complete. Upgrading in the middle of a secure PBEM game will cause the game to fail. 13.2 MB



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