Kurt Geisselman Email #1  

From:	 Froglips
Sent:	 Thursday, October 25, 2001 5:52 PM
To:	 Robert Mitchell
Subject: Re: Falcon SuperPAK and Falcon5 article

Robert, As the ex-European Editor [note] for CombatSim, 
I certainly have a soft spot in my heart for your team. 
There are two issues however that are very problematic. 
Your subscription only format means that I do not 
have acess to your forum to address questions and 
comments. Secondly, the flame wars are not really 
adding any value to the community at this 
point and therefore my most stringent goal is not to
fuel the fires in any way.  We will be releasing
SuperPAK v1.0 very shortly. Perhaps we could do an
interview after that release if you would give me some
type of limited free access to the forums after the
interview.  Finally, you might count exactly how many
people are actually complaining about the SP project.
They are vocal, I acknowledge, but a very small
minority.  Please look at my sig. There is not a Falcon
group that I am not involved with.

Kurt 'Froglips' Giesselman
F4SP - Spokesperson
eTeam - PR weenie
RP group - bubbles, comms, general chaos
F4Terrain - documentation and PR, Balkan Powderkeg
F4 Alliance - webmaster, documentation and PR