(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/osh)

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Page 6

An AeroGeek Enters the Hall of Kings
By Bob "Groucho" Marks

That was it for the “fun” side of simming. Jeppesen and Elite had their high-end IFR flight sims on display. Perhaps if there is any interest I’ll do a head-to-head Jeppesen-Microsoft-Terminal Reality civilian flight sim comparison. I also got my hot little hands on a copy of the Comm1 ATC radio simulator, but these are more of a learning tool in the pursuit of a Private & Instrument pilot's license.

Back to the present: we are now 19,300’ over southeastern Nevada, zipping along at a 256 kt ground speed, and threading through some nasty thunderstorm build-ups while skirting the limits of the R-4807A- better known as Area 51 restricted area. The sensation of speed is phenomenal as we blast through white canyons formed by the clouds.

We momentarily entertain the hare-brained notion of annoying the local military authorities by making a high-speed run straight at the forbidden Groom Lake airbase until right at the R-4807A border, then executing a last-second 4g turn away. This can result in a F-16 being scrambled, although technically no rules are broken. We decide against it---pissing off a Viper driver in this kind of weather carries a collision possibility.

We are now only forty-five minutes from home as the Nellis AFB / Las Vegas area stretches out below us like mutant lichen on the desert floor. As much as I hate to admit it, it really does look like the terrain from Jane’s USAF, at least from this high up. Time to wrap up so I can help steer us through the “Trona Gap” a small opening between the Edwards Air Force Base and China Lake Naval Air Station restricted airspace. Straying into these areas could result in a visit from a business-suited government authority. Never a Good Thing.

It has been one hell of a trip. This AeroGeek has had his fun. Now, how to sell my wife on that little MCR01 kit plane . . .

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(This article may be found at http://www.combatsim.com/htm/2000/08/osh)