Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Review: 10 Hours and Counting

tom-clancys-the-division-2Not about doomsday preppers, but number one with doomsday preppers!

By Mike Williams @ USGamer

Yesterday, I loaded up The Division 2, intending to create my character and play for around 30 minutes to give myself a mental foothold. When I looked up, I had dumped around four hours into Ubisoft’s version of a Washington D.C that has fallen into chaos and anarchy. It’s the kind of game where you’ll tell yourself, “I’ll just peek around the corner and log off,” only to find yourself hip deep into several missions an hour later, backed by a silent squad of two players.

The Division 2 picks up seven months after the events of the first Division, where the United States collapses after the outbreak of a deadly virus. Gone are the snowy streets of New York, replaced by Washington D.C in the summer. As a native, I can tell you that it’s already unbearably muggy in June, and The Division 2′s slow encroachment of forests and swamps is probably not making things any better. While The Division’s New York dealt with the immediate aftermath of the viral outbreak, The Division 2′s D.C. is beginning to adjust. There are gangs, sure, but there are also pockets of peaceful civilization that you need to protect.

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