Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg Review

combat-mission-final-blitzkriegBy James Cobb @ The Wargamer

Rick Atkinson’s fine trilogy on the US Army in Europe in World War II approaches the subject in three phases: North Africa, Sicily and Italy, and Western Europe. Battlefront seems to be taking a similar approach with Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy and Combat Mission: Fortress Italy with Combat Mission: Red Thunder thrown in to cover crucial battles in 1944 on the Eastern Front. The Western European Front in 1944-45 is being wound up with Combat Mission: Final Blitzkrieg. Of course, no World War II Europe series is complete without a Bulge game but Battlefront recognizes that the vicious fighting that occurred in the two months before December 1944 and in January-February 1945 deserves a stand-alone game. Will the Ardennes offensive still overshadow the rest of the package?

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